JAQ Software is looking for someone to train new JAQ clients. This person would need past experience in using JAQ, and be able to train new JAQ clients over the phone in 2 or 3 sessions of 1 to 2 hours each session. They would then invoice JAQ Software for the time. Contact me for more information - glenn.littleford@jaqsoftware.com
In the near future JAQ Software will be offering a hosted server option. This is targeted at businesses who don't have their own on site server, don't need to transfer large files to the JAQ network drive, and have a stable internet connection. The hosted servers will be offered at $15 to $25 per week on top of the JAQ licence fee, depending on resources required. For a small business this becomes a cheaper option, as a on site server can be a big expense initially. The hosted servers are maintained and backed up daily. Currently we have 3 businesses trailing the hosted servers, and hope to offer the service to others in a few weeks.
Recently I've given JAQ the ability to directly email quotes, invoices and purchases from within the programme, and rolled out this feature to a few clients to test and improve. A issue has raised its head. If the recipient of the email sent by JAQ is using a Microsoft based email server, there is a good chance the email sent by you from JAQ will go into their Outlook junk folder. The reason is JAQ uses its own email server to send the email ( mail.jaqonline.com ), and not your businesses email server, if you have one. The email sent by JAQ has your email address as its return address, fred@besteng.com.au for example. Now your email domain, besteng.com.au, is different from jaqonline.com, and for most email servers, this is perfectly ok. However if the person you are sending the email too uses Office365, or a Outlook.com or Live.com email address, then that email goes into their junk folder.
This may only happen for 1 in 100 of your customers or suppliers, but that's not good enough. The solution is to use your own businesses email server instead of JAQ's. That way the Microsoft servers see the email from fred@besteng.com.au was sent from a besteng.com.au mail server. I'll be making this change, and will contact those affected.
This is a Microsoft issue, and its currently a hot topic on Microsoft forums. See https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/outlook-sending-legitimate-emails-to-junk-folder/11fe1048-f3c5-43fb-bf37-85a7649ee16f
The problem has affected many software developers like myself over recent months and Microsoft seem reluctant to acknowledge the problem let alone fix it. I set up jaqonline.com as a email server to make installing JAQ easier, and it works perfectly well 99% of the time, but this Microsoft issue means we need to use your own business email server if you want to send emails from JAQ. I don't see this will be a problem for anyone.
You can now use one purchase order for multiple jobs. Each line item on a purchase order can be assigned to its own job number, and the job page pricing reflects this. This means you can place one purchase order to cover items for several jobs, potentially saving freight costs as some suppliers charge freight on each purchase. The purchase line items will also let you enter individual supplier invoice numbers, say for example back orders, and the purchases can be exported in part. This update is part of the latest JAQ version and will be rolled out over the next few weeks.
Currently adding some new functions to JAQ that require a lot of code writing, and this is causing a few delays with updates. These updates are to JAQ's core code, basically breaking the software until the work is complete and tested. Unfortunately at this time its not possible to make a small requested changes and update your copy of the JAQ software. Please allow a couple of months for any requested changes. Big thanks to those clients who did receive a update and are now helping to find and remove the bugs.
Been busy working on a few additions to JAQ for a couple of new clients. Remember if you have a feature you would like to add to JAQ, just ask and we'll look into it.
Internal mailer. JAQ can now email Quote, Purchase and Invoice PDF's directly, so you don't need to create a new email and attach the PDF manually. JAQ will send a copy of the email to you, so you have a record in your own email client. To send the email JAQ needs to contact our secure email server, so you would need a internet connection for this to work.
Quote Word templates. You can create one or more Quote templates in MS Word, format them as you like, and JAQ can populate the template for you with information from the Quote. This means you can get away from JAQ's default quote PDF format, and can have different templates for different types of quotes. The templates can be created in later versions of MS Word, Libra Office or Open Office, and are saved in the DOCX format.
The updated JAQ will be rolled out over the next few weeks.
This month JAQ is officially 10 years old!
JAQ's development actually started a couple of years earlier, but it was called "Print Mate" and was only used with one businesses, a digital printing company in Mackay. In 2008 it was renamed to JAQ.
ACS ( Advanced Cutting Solutions ) have been with us for the full 10 years, big thanks to Justin and Leah for their contributions and feedback over the years.
The next update of JAQ supports standard ( imperial ) time entry for time sheets. Previously, if you worked on a job from 7:00 to 8:30, you would enter 1.5 hours onto your time sheets, a decimal hours system. This update means you would enter 07:00 to 08:30. JAQ still knows you spent 1.5 hours on the job, but it also knows when you actually started and finished the job. This allows more accurate time tracking for employees. Its also optional, the standard decimal time system remains in place and is the default.
Recently noticed a few business servers are not as secure as they should be, and have raised this with the business owners. I don't go looking for any server issues, but a couple of servers have recently been waving red flags at me.
Please note JAQ Software is not responsible for your servers security, updates and backups.
I suggest you periodically check the following with the person responsible for your server ( staff member, IT support company, etc ).....
A by-product of the recent JAQ code rewrite is the new JAQ code and database will happily run on a Linux server!
In the past JAQ could only be installed on a Windows server, but now Linux servers can be used as another option. A Linux server is cheaper, more secure and slightly faster for many applications, JAQ included. You still use Windows on your workstation PC's, but the shared drives and JAQ live on a Linux server instead of a Windows server.
The disadvantage of Linux is its not as common as Windows, so you need to shop around to find a PC technician who can provide the support you need.
We've been working with Gavin from Orion Online to test JAQ on a Linux server over the last couple of weeks.
Over the last 18 months the JAQ system's software has been re-written ( or "ported" ) to run a different software language. From the users perspective, there is no difference in the way JAQ looks or works, but from a coding point of view, its a completely new system.
JAQ was originally written in Microsoft's ASP language, which is no longer supported. The new language, PHP, has a large support community behind it, making it future proof with new features and improvements added constantly.
JAQ Software would like to thank those businesses who were our guinea-pigs while the new JAQ was rolled out and tested in the wild. Your patience and feedback was appreciated.
Another business I deal with has been hit with ransomware. Likely the attack was from an email. Firewall's and Anti-virus software DO NOT protect you from ransomware.
I'm starting to sound like a stuck record here, but the only protection you have from ransomware is your off line ( disconnected ) backup. If you don't have backups, you have no choice but to pay the ransom and hope the criminals send you the key to unlock your data.
Every business should have someone on staff who understands how ransomware works, and is responsible for the backups of your data.
Due to the approaching cyclone and risk of storm surge, please make sure your JAQ server backups are up to date. Ideally, you should have a off site backup, stored in a dry place. If you're in a storm surge area, and not sure about your backups, contact you IT supplier, and even consider unplugging the server and taking off site. Its also a good idea to lift any computers and other sensitive electronics equipment off the floor where possible.
Hope all goes well and losses are minimal.
The port of the JAQ system to a new software language is progressing. Development has been full time for the last couple of months and I expect there is at least 2 to 3 more months before its finished. There are approximately 500 pages in JAQ, each with 100 to 2500 lines of code, so a estimate would be 200,000 lines of code that need to be translated.
Once completed, JAQ will look the same in most respects, and no functionality will be lost. Some pages will be streamlined, and a lot of new features added.
A couple of new features that might be of interest......
Doc Merge. JAQ will be able to use your Word or Excel templates and populate them with data from the JAQ database. So you could for example create a QA form in Word as a template, then ask JAQ to grab a copy of the QA form, fill in all the details from a JAQ job card, and save it under the job folder. This could save a lot of document editing.
Charge Code Allowances on Quotes and Jobs. When entering a Quote or Job, you can specify how many hours you expect to be needed for each charge code used on the job. As the job progresses, you can see the booked hours tally up for each charge code, compared to your original allowance. JAQ will be able to give you an idea how many hours are needed for each charge code to finish the job in time, and warn you if it looks like you dont have the man hours needed.
Hope everyone had a good break over Christmas and the New Year.
A few new features have been added to JAQ and these will be rolled out over the next few weeks.
Invoice Subjobs. Subjobs are a handy way to break up a large job into sections, and you can book hours, purchases and stock to sub jobs instead of its parent job. This update will tally up the hours, purchases, etc, for a closed sub job and create the invoice. This is aimed at businesses that need to send periodic invoices for larger jobs.
Mobile friendly. JAQ has a front end designed for the small screen of a mobile phone, with a few basic function that allow you to clock in and do your time sheets, view card files, quotes and jobs, and raise a purchase, all from your mobile phone while away from the office. This service depends on your office internet connection and mobile phone plan. Time sheet entry is also geo tagged ( if the device supports it ), so you can see where the employee was when they clocked in/out using the mobile interface.
Time sheets has a new optional Start and Stop interface. Your jobs are listed on the screen with a start and stop button, plus a dropdown list of the charge codes. You simply select the charge code ( if different than your default ) and hit Start when you start the job, and Stop when your finished. Hitting start for another job will automatically stop the current one. You can use the standard timesheet screen to tidy up the hours at the end of the day if needed.
Rasomware is a growing market for criminals, and could cost your business thousands. I cant stress enough how common this is, and your only real protection are your off line backups.
See https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA16-091A
Due to recent issues with some clients, I now insist that when you pay your monthly invoice from JAQ Software via direct transfer, you include the invoice number in the banks transfer description. It makes it MUCH easier to match payments with their corresponding invoice, especially if you are late making a payments or have missed a payment. I understand some automatic payment systems used with MYOB or Quickbooks dont allow you to edit the transfer description when you make bulk payments, but that isn't my problem. For those who do include the invoice number, thank you.
Two major updates for JAQ in the pipeline. Database change, and a complete rewrite of the code.
JAQ currently uses a Microsoft Access database to store records, and this has worked well for the past years. But Access has a max file size of 2 Gig and some JAQ clients are approaching 1/2 that size, so its time to migrate to a better database. I've chosen to use MySQL, as it has a good reputation as a robust database, and a max files size of over 2 Terra Bytes ( 1000 times that of Access ).
The change over will be seamless, JAQ will behave the same as it does with the Access database. The update will be ready in a few weeks, depending on work load. There may be some speed improvements on some JAQ pages.
The other major update is a complete rewrite of JAQ's code. JAQ currently uses a Microsoft software language called ASP, which has been around for so long ( 20+ years ) its now called "Classic ASP". Microsoft stopped developing the language many years ago, so while the language still works fine, there have been no new features added in recent years, and ASP is expected to reach EOL ( End Of LIfe ) soon after 2020 as Microsoft drop support for it on their operating systems. Win 10 and the latest server editions support ASP, but after that is unknown.
I've looked at serveral options and settled on PHP as the new language. PHP is in constant development, so has many more features than ASP, and has no EOF date. Rewriting JAQ to use PHP will take over a year.
The important thing to remember is these updates wont affect how JAQ runs. If anything, it will be a little faster and have new features.
With the political talk of GST changes, just a quick note to let everyone know JAQ will have no issues migrating to a different GST rate, should that happen.
"As easy as 123456: the 25 worst passwords revealed"
Your businesses security is only as good as your employees worst password.
Just a reminder ransomware attacks are getting more common and more sophisticated. Your only protection against ransomware is your off line backup. Remember to backup often and keep a offline ( disconnected ) backup. You should have at least two backup devices, and keep one disconnected and preferably off site.
How often should you swap backups? That depends on how many days data can you afford to loose without too much interruption to your business.
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Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy new year for 2015. |
Alert from US-Cert about the latest ransom-ware and how to protect yourself. I know of businesses that have been affected by this sort of attack, but fortunately they had up to date, off line, backups and were able to get their businesses back up very quickly.
The US-Cert ( or The Department of Homeland Security's United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team ) web site is very informative and you can subscribe to receive email notifications of new computer vulnerabilities as they become known.
Merry Christmas!
Wishing all my clients a Merry Christmas and happy new year for 2014.
A note about the GPM% figure used in JAQ. Its calculated like this....
GPM% = 100 / InvoicePrice * (InvoicePrice -CostPrice )
InvoicePrice = the price quoted or invoiced for the job.
CostPrice = the total booked stock, purchases and hours cost price.Remember the GPM% figure is only as good as the information entered, please use it as a guide only.
Purchase Orders V Stock Orders
The next update of JAQ will separate purchases into two types, Purchase Orders and Stock Orders. A Purchase Order is used to buy in goods for a job, and will be costed against the job. A Stock Order is used to buy in goods for stock, which can later be booked out to a job as consumables. When a Stock Order arives, the quantities in the stock register will be updated. This does not happen for Purchase Orders.
Do you know of another business that could use JAQ?
If so, put them in contact with me and if they become a JAQ client, you will save $10 per week off your JAQ licence. Thats $520 per year per referal, for as long as they continue to use JAQ.
All you need to do is make the initial contact, put in the good word, and hand them a brochure or point them to the web site. If you need any brochures, please let me know and I'll mail some out to you.
Lots of small changes that will mostly go un-noticed. As usual, I wont update anyone's particular JAQ version unless there is a distinct need.
Also added a database utilities page to let managers download a copy of the JAQ database, and perform a occasional Compact and Repair on the database, which may give a sligh speed improvement.
New features
New features
New features
Under Development.
Customise. You can now customise some list type pages to include/exclude columns. Look for the spanner icon. Currently used on the job list page, will add to the quotes and purchase lists in the future.
The targets widget has some display issues.
New features